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Seize the Day-Carpe Diem!

Updated: Jun 4, 2022

“Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” James 4:14, NASB

The man died alone. He was an alcoholic and homeless. He had been so estranged from his family, they did not know he was living behind a gas station in town. After being contacted by authorities, his daughter arrived at the hospital to claim the personal effects of her father. He died with only two possessions, a pair of glasses and a watch, along with the dirty clothes on his back. She became emotional as she spoke to the hospital chaplain on duty, relaying with a heavy heart the circumstances of her family’s broken relationship.

How many people probably saw this man on a daily basis? How many just walked by him, too busy with their own schedules to notice or perform one small act of kindness? How many evangelistic opportunities were passed by? This is but one example of our culture today. We are so consumed with  schedules and keeping up with everyone else, we miss what God puts right in front of us!

As I heard about this man, my heart was broken…broken over lost opportunities…the possibility that this poor soul did not know his Savior. His death also served as a motivation for me…to SEIZE THE DAY! We have no time to waste.

Don’t miss an opportunity today to share the love of Jesus with someone who may be off your beaten path. None of us knows what tomorrow holds, that is why we must live each day to the fullest!

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